
Extreme Compassion

A few weeks ago something was said to me that I will never, ever forget.  Three simple words: "I CAN RELATE" will forever be etched in my mind.  

In one of the collaborative classes that I teach in, I have been impressed by a student from very early on.  I have not noticed her for the super cute side pony she frequently rocks or her academics (although she is very bright), but for the way she treats one of "my kids".  As most of the students in the class are annoyed or bothered by his interruptions or quirky habits, she sits next to him and treats him like he is "normal" and will go as far to ask him to partner up and read their novel or offer him pencil lead or paper when he needs it... which is most days.  She doesn't use a lot of words with him, but her compassion probably says way more than anything she could ever say.

 I went home yesterday thinking of her and wondering why...why is she so nice to him? Why does she care?  Why aren't other students more compassionate towards him?

Today I received an answer to my why questions.  I walked up to this student with extreme compassion and handed her a "gotcha" (a form that allows us to give out positive consequences to our students when we catch them doing something great).  I told her that I have noticed how she treats this student in class and it has really impacted me...before I could even ask her WHY, she said to me, "I can relate, I was on an IEP until last year so I understand what students like him go through everyday."

My heart was full of so many emotions as she spoke with so much compassion.  I fought back the tears as I told her how much it meant to me to see her extreme compassion and ability to go against the norm and actually befriend this student.  I told her about my son...the one I pray for over and over to have someone befriend him in a special way.  The one who is loved by so many, but doesn't have play-dates or a buddy the way his typical brother did at his age.  The one who isn't able to communicate like his peers or go up the slide on the playground by himself.  The one who ends up hanging out with his parents at birthday parties and gatherings because he isn't able to keep up with the other kids his age.  All of these things flooded my mind and it was overwhelming.  But, then the Lord whispered something to me too...

Tiffany, I am the Alpha and the Omega.  I see it all.  
I know Jack's needs and I know yours as his mom. 
Jack is my child and I will provide him with everything he needs.  
Continue to rest in my love for Jack.  

So, as I continue to trust that the Lord is taking care of Jack, I thank him for students like mine who have encouraged me and allowed me to see this extreme compassion we're all called to convey to others.  

Be blessed!  


1 Corinthians 12:25-26
that there should be no division in the body, but that the members should have the same care for one another. And if one member suffers, all the members suffer with it; if one member is honored, all the members rejoice with it.

Jack walking up to the register to pay for his new shin pads for soccer!

1 comment:

  1. Dear Tiffany,
    We reap what we sow. You sow love and compassion to others what better reward than see the fruit of your seed in the lives of your loved ones.
